
Is the New TSU the New Social Network?

Is the new TSU the new social network?

TSU is a social network whose main purpose is to reward whoever uses the network in the creation and engagement of useful content. The company was initially founded by four entrepreneurs; Sebastian Sobzack, Drew Ginsburg, Thibault Boullenger, and Jonathan Lewin. They intended to create awareness to the people on the importance of engaging in conversations. The company first came into existence on 14th October after putting into place a total of $7 million that was obtained from the Sancus Capital Prive and other generous investors.

Despite TSU being a social network like many others for instance Facebook and the newly existing Ello, the modes of operation and the benefits obtained from using our social network are unique. The main aim of using our social network is not only to share information but also to get rewarded. Moreover, it gives the users a bonus by displaying ads that generally add the interest of the users towards sharing information. TSU Company also makes and fulfills all its promises to all the users promptly and this is the perfect reason why lots of users prefer. The only secret behind getting the rewards is to share information that is unique and original using the social network which has proven to be a simple task amongst lots of people.

How to join the TSU social network

This is simple and the first step towards joining the network is to go to It will ask you to please enter a member’s short code (user name) to sign up. (My member’s short code is, SeoService if you need a member’s short code to sign up with.) The idea is to only have a short code and also if you know a friend’s short code it is advantageous since the opportunity of creating one’s account presents itself. The next stage after the creation of the account is to start creating content that can be shared. The more original content you create, the more money you are likely to get. The only task is to create original content. If you need help with this, contact a content writing service. The benefit of using the network is the small set of users and the limited time span it takes to pay the users. In addition, it also rewards the users who have lots of friends and you can have these friends by simply inviting them where they will become your children, and you will also have grandchildren, those that are invited by your users. This also makes payments by TSU simple because it uses the algorithm and the family tree.

Its technique of sharing revenue is interesting since the content creator receives 50% of the available 90% meant for reward while the first to share the content obtains 33.3%. The second degree user receives 11.1% and the third 3.70%. This is the most preferred way of sharing revenue and this is one factor that distinguishes TSU social network company from the rest of the companies.

TSU ensures that all its users and influencers, whether social or marketing investors, get better pay by only producing well-crafted original content that is worth sharing and monetizing.

About the Author:

Joey Schmitt is a real crackerjack expert when it comes to ranking websites on the first page of SERPs. For over a decade now, he’s helped thousands of businesses build an online presence and has led a multitude of successful integrated marketing campaigns. He helps run Angel SEO Services & Marketing, LLC, a company specializing in SEO services, social media management, online reputation management, and other forms of online marketing. Contact him today at (832) 382-2024 and let him show you what he can do for your website and business.

Author: Nina Seifeddine
Nina Seifeddine, owner and partner of Angel SEO Services, LLC, pioneers digital marketing innovation. With a rich background in marketing expertise, Nina’s primary focus is continually enhancing her clients’ experience through new and innovative developments.
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