
5 Tips to Make Boring-Industry Content Top Ranking

Take “Boring” Out of Your Content…

You’ve probably heard a lot of content marketers stress the importance of content on a website. Industry leaders always highlight on the importance of quality content and provide tips with the latest tactics to help you make your content sexy and electrifying. But the truth of the matter is, some topics and industries just feel boring. So the question on some of our minds is, how can you turn dry, dull and boring subjects into shareable content?

In this blog, we’ve shared 5 takeaways for writers to help you amp up boring-industry content so that it’s interesting, fun and enjoyable for readers and effective for your marketing.

1. Presentation

Make your articles presentable. The first thing a reader will notice is the way the article is written. For example, if your article contains a title followed by a few lengthy paragraphs without any sub-headings, then the reader may find it too wordy and leave the site. The first trick to motivating an audience to read boring-industry content is by incorporating bold headings and subheadings into your blogs; while also making use of numbers and bullets to outline various points. Also, keep the introduction short and straight forward since longer introductions are known to not perform as well.

2. Videos

Use videos. We live in a fast-paced world. People hardly have time to read long drawn out content when it’s not something they have to read. Even if it’s a subject they are trying to gain more knowledge on, they will look for sites that can deliver the most appealing content and take up the least of their time. As great investment for you to consider is producing informative videos about your product that you can place within your content. This allows people to not only read but also hear what you have to say. Giving your audience options opens up different channels for you to market your material.

3. Link Building

Link building has been an important part of SEO and still is. The use of proper keywords is required in your content to rank on top of the search results in the search engines. So, if you’re trying to spice up boring content, use a link building strategy. Link various interesting and popular pages to your boring content to get more credibility and traffic to your site.

4. Be Original

Do something different. Sometimes you have great ideas, but the competition in your market may be overwhelming. Your competitors may also have great ideas, so how do you get people to choose your boring content over your competition? The best thing that you can do is take a different approach to how you write. Make it edgy or funny, and create a captivating story about your service of product, so that when readers look for information relating to your industry, they will remember your content.

5. Hire Experts

Hire enthusiast writers. If you don’t have the time to put much effort into writing, your focus should be on hiring writers who are passionate about their skill and look at it as an art form. These people can convert any type of boring industry content into something super interesting so that your content not only gets read but attracts more viewers.

For an effective marketing strategy, you should also engage in social media content marketing. There are reputable agencies that offer social media marketing services in Houston. Angel SEO deploys effective content marketing strategies that help businesses empower their audience and enhance their online reach.

So, if you feel like you’re trying and failing at content marketing for a boring industry, make it a point to integrate the tips we’ve mentioned into your strategy to start getting noticed by your online readers!


At Angel SEO Services, LLC (Digital marketing service in Houston), we specialize in digital marketing solutions designed to meet the unique needs of businesses across Houston. We offer Search Engine Optimization Service in houston, Website audit report, Local Search Engine Optimization in Houston, Online Reputation Management in Houston, Responsive Web Development Houston, Social Media Marketing Houston.

Author: Nina Seifeddine
Nina Seifeddine, owner and partner of Angel SEO Services, LLC, pioneers digital marketing innovation. With a rich background in marketing expertise, Nina’s primary focus is continually enhancing her clients’ experience through new and innovative developments.
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